Southern Comfort Whatever's Comfortable Commercial Song Hit Or Miss by Odetta.

Very incredible music is here with tough man. I like this mood. Wow, This nervous and strong feeling is also very good. By the way, Where is there? There is very nice place for me. I want to go there. Moreover, The singer has very attractive voice with rhythmical accent. So, I have a feeling good even though he just walks into this commercial.

Southern Comfort: Whatever's Comfortable Commercial
Song: Hit Or Miss by Odetta

A song that played in this commercial is "Hit Or Miss" by American singer Odetta, which came out on Dec 1970. and it is her only album "Odetta Sings". You can download the song from Amazon or iTunes.

Song: Hit Or Miss by Odetta
Released: Dec 1970
Buy the song on Amazon or iTunes here.


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