Fiat Immigrants Commercial Song Torna a Surriento (Come Back to Sorrento) by Arianna and Pitbull. (Original version by Ernesto De Curtis)

How beautiful!! There is so nice place for vacation. I want to go there. When I saw this commercial at the first, I envy the producer for this commercial. In addition, Song title is also "Torna a Surriento - Come Back to Sorrento" Nice place with nice car. I think it is a Very good idea for The U.S.A by New Fiat. Enjoy this commercial.

Fiat: Immigrants Commercial
Song: Torna a Surriento (Come Back to Sorrento) by Arianna and Pitbull. (Original version by Ernesto De Curtis)

A song that played in this commercial is "Torna a Surriento (Come Back to Sorrento)" by Arianna and Pitbull. This song is so brilliant.. no words can describe. The background song seems to be composed a song for this commercial. I can't find this song anywhere. I think I need some help.

Song: Torna a Surriento by Djina Ivanova
Release: April 30, 2012
Buy the song on Amazon here.


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