GoPro HD Rafa Ortiz vs. The River Gods Commercial Song Your Love Remix by Fred Card.

Nice commercial for hot summer or vacation. Have you been this sports? I've never. But This summer, I'll do it. More, I think this remix music is so nice matching for this commercial. What do you think about that? Very rhythmical and gorgeous. I think This video was also taken a photograph by GoPro. Maybe or not. But, I think still It is very nice video.

GoPro HD: Rafa Ortiz vs. The River Gods Commercial
Song: Your Love Remix by Fred Card

A song that played in this commercial is "Your Love Remix" by Fred Card, which came out on 2011. I can't find this song anywhere. I think I need some help. But, You can also listen this song, "Your Love (Fred Card Remix)" by Nicki Minaj at Soundcloud. On Soundcloud you can listen to a whole record before buying anything. Learn more

Song: Your Love (Fred Card Remix) by Nicki Minaj
Release: 2012
Download free from Soundcloud


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2012 DVD And BLURAY DISC | Distributed by Toko Baju Online